Fund managers count on Phenix Capital during all the steps of their fundraising process while raising funds. Find below Phenix Capital Group's one-stop shop to get impact funds off the ground!
Our services for fund managers
Impact investing advisory
Fund Advisory
Phenix Capital Group has a successful track record of supporting impact funds with its fund advisory services.
Learn more about our Impact Fund Advisory.
Impact ReportingOur Impact Reporting services are aligned with best practices and industry standards such as the Impact Measurement Project and the Operating Principles for Impact Management. Find out more about our Impact Fund Assessment, Impact Measurement & Management services, and ESG Reporting.
Impact investing intelligence
InvestorIQ Service
Impact investing eventsConnect with investors at our impact investing events! Fund managers can network with investors in an efficient way. Meet investors from all over the world who are active in impact at our events. Learn more.
Impact investing publicationsVisit our Impact Investing Knowledge Hub and discover a series of resources to support you in growing your impact investing knowledge. Also, discover our Impact Funds' Best Practice Library, built in consultation with institutional investors and industry leaders, which is helping fund managers strengthen their impact proposition.
Impact Fund Advisory
Fund Advisory to advance impact strategies
Our impact investing advisory team can help fund managers at different stages, elevating an impact fund strategy.
Let's maximize the impact potential of your fund!
- Become a best-in-class impact fund
- Prepare for SFDR Article 8 or 9 alignment
- Get ready for Operating Principles for Impact Management (OPIM) verification
Learn about our Impact Fund Advisory service for fund managers launching or managing impact strategies.

Impact Reporting
In Phenix Capital Group's Impact Reporting services, previously named Impact Fund Assessment, impact funds get measured on 33 criteria, which are split into 6 themes and gives them a score.
Moreover, Phenix Capital Group offers several services around Impact Reporting, such as:
- Impact Measurement and Management
- ESG Reporting
Learn more about our Impact Reporting services.

InvestorIQ Service
Phenix Capital Group leverages its unique positioning in the market as a leading provider of impact funds data and strong marketing and events business to continuously collect impact investing market intelligence that is processed to provide actionable leads for impact funds.
Our InvestorIQ algorithm leverages this data, including 11,000+ contacts across 1,600+ organisations and 70 countries, to match it with the key fundraising criteria of our impact fund clients.
The InvestorIQ service will assist your sales & marketing team with…
- data on active impact investors world-wide
- finding the right investors to approach during your fundraising cycle
- turning raw data into a usable data source
Impact Funds Database
Join our Impact Funds Database and get discovered by impact investors. Listing is free of charge and dependent on our evaluation. Get listed.

Impact Investing Events
Meet institutional impact investors allocating capital towards impact investment funds in our impact investing events. Discover institutional impact investors (pension funds, banks, DFIs, and more) from all around the world.
Network with qualified impact investors by joining our impact investing conferences and local events.
Be part of a program created for a highly curated audience of qualified institutional investors.
Be one of the selected impact funds joining our exclusive InvestorConnect meetings.

Impact investing publications
Impact Reports
Our Impact Report delivers every month quality impact investing data & interviews with impact investing thought leaders. It is shared with 10.000 contacts via email and 7500+ followers on social media. Impact funds can get featured!
Faces of Impact
Every month, we interview an impact investing thought leader on a personal level, revealing the hows and the whys of their career in impact investing.

What fund managers say
About our services

The Impact Fund Assessment is much more than just a label; it is an extensive, in-depth framework that gives asset owners a thorough picture of the measures a fund has put in place to achieve a positive impact (...).
Louise Kooy-Henckel
Investment Director, (Former) Wellington Management

Phenix's Impact Fund Assessment helps asset owners to compare impact investment strategies and funds in a consistent way, and it sets the blueprint for asset manager best practice.
Hadewych Kuiper
Commercial Director, Triodos Investment Management

The Phenix's Impact Fund Assessment is based on a real in-depth analysis of the fund`s investment strategy and not merely on the simplistic aggregation of ESG ratings of the underlying constituents. (...)
Melchior de Muralt
Managing Partner, de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Co
Contact us!
Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about our services.
Our team will be happy to clarify any point for you.
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