Impact Funds Database
The global impact investing database with financial-first impact funds. Discover portfolio companies and fund managers to source and screen impact investments for your mandate.
Please note the Impact Funds Database is only applicable for institutional investors (asset owners).
Discover qualified
financial-first impact funds
Phenix Capital Group has the most curated impact-focused database in the market providing reliable data on financial-first impact funds.
Impact Funds
Fund Managers
Impact Funds Database
Founding Members



Accelerate financial-first impact investments
The database for global impact investing to reach a positive impact & target market-rate returns
The Impact Funds Database is the best research tool to accelerate financial-first impact investments. Whether you are a pension fund willing to foment Social Impact Bonds or an institutional asset owner looking for skilled fund managers or profitable impact funds, our highly curated impact investing database can help you.
Find curated impact funds
Discover impact funds to invest for impact and returns.
Uncover the fund facts that you need to make an assertive investment decision. All the impact fund information necessary for a thorough screening and decision-making process.
- Screen the investable universe for the top impact funds which fit your mandate.
- Discover the largest impact investing funds, impact investing venture capital firms, social venture capital firms, and impact investment funds of all types.
- Uncover the best impact funds and impact investment solutions listed across asset classes, within the public and private markets.
- Find the impact fund that fits your impact investing mandate.
- Receive market analyses that match your criteria, such as the impact investing themes of your choice.
Uncover in-depth fund information
Have standardised, quick-to-read, and up-to-date funds facts, including impact strategy and impact metrics, fund managers’ information, contact details, and more.
The number of impact investing opportunities keeps growing. With our Impact Funds Database, you will be able to identify the best impact funds for your mandate's objectives faster.
No data obstacles anymore in the way of your next impact investments.
Impact Funds Database Sourcing process
For over a decade, Phenix Capital Group has been monitoring the evolution of the impact funds’ universe. Three main variables have been central to constructing, monitoring and updating the Impact Funds Database. In order to be considered for the Impact Funds Database, an impact fund must have:
- An impact proposition
- Institutional quality
- Target market-rate returns
Our Impact Funds Database features financial-first impact funds, which are impact funds that create solutions for global social and environmental issues, whilst prioritising financial returns. This category of impact investments is referred to as financial-first impact investments.
There are no costs for fund managers to be included in the Impact Funds Database. We guarantee an unbiased representation of the global impact investing universe.
Impact Fund Assessment
Subscribers of the Impact Funds Database can have access to impact assessment reports and can request specific funds to be accessed, getting support to their impact due diligence for impact investments.
Together, we will evaluate the best-in-class impact fund that attends to your needs. In close consultation with the institutional investor, we evaluate the fund with a methodology consisting of 6 themes & 45 criteria.
Impact Database collaborations
We are happy to have collaborated on several reports being written and published by renowned organizations in the impact investing industry using data from our Impact Database.

Phenix Capital Group provided data and insight to the Impact Investor Guide 2023. It was distributed as a part of Het Financieele Dagblad. Edition of 24 November 2022.

Phenix Capital Group shared data with the GIIN for the development of the GIIN SIGHT 2022, titled Sizing the impact investing market. This market sizing study served as an important indicator of the momentum driving impact investing around the world in 2022.

Phenix Capital Group shared data with Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE) for a special report titled Investing for Impact, which explored data with a focus on impact hurdles.

Phenix Capital Group shared data with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for The Global Impact Investing Market 2020 titled Investing for Impact and launched in July 2021.
The Impact Funds Database in practice
Find the qualified financial-first impact investing funds, portfolio companies and fund managers that you have been looking for in our highly curated Impact Funds Database.
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