Impact Investors Database


A global impact investing database that gives access to information on curated impact investors and details on their impact investing mandates and preferences.
Find the right impact investor for your strategy and grow your impact fund faster!


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Discover active impact investors  

The most curated impact-focused investors database in the market!

Phenix Capital Group has been collecting data on institutional investors investing in impact funds for several years.

Unlock information on curated institutional impact investors worldwide, with details on their impact investing mandates, SDGs, region targets, and more, so you can find the right impact investor for your fund!



Impact Investors


Commitments mapped


Assets Under Management (up to)

Impact Investors Database

Founding Members

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In-depth information on impact investors

  • Discover social impact investors with data on their most current impact investments. 
  • See what family offices invest in and discover family offices that do impact investing.
  • Find family office sustainable investments and discover family offices that might be interested in your fund strategy.
  • Benefit from a list of family offices investing in real estate or unlock a single family office investment strategy.
  • Detect foundations, private banks, endowments, or pension funds that are impact investors.

Find the right impact investor for your fund 

In the Impact Investors Database, you find the right impact investor for your fund.

  • Discover the largest impact investors investing in impact funds;
  • Discover impact investors with a mandate that fits the focus of your fund, on asset class, region, SDG targeted, and more;
  • See the previous investments of institutional investors in impact.

Impact investments  quarterly coverage

Receive complete and compiled data on the performance of impact funds in the public markets every quarter. Impact Database subscribers receive exclusive quarterly reports covering the latest developments and trends with impact funds.

Every quarter, we use the latest data available to provide subscribers with an outlook on the impact investing fund market. Understanding the developments with impact funds becomes easier with our reports.

The intention is to make it even quicker for Impact Investors Database subscribers to identify interesting impact investing trends. Information to shine a light on your fundraising journey. 


Accelerate the growth of your fund

Find curated institutional investors looking for reaching positive impact and returns in the Impact Investors Database!

Our highly curated impact investing database can help you to raise your fund faster. 


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Impact Investors Database

Sourcing process

For over a decade, Phenix Capital Group has been monitoring the evolution of the impact investing universe. Three main variables have been central to constructing, monitoring and updating the Impact Investors Database.

To be considered for the Impact Investors Database, an investor must have: 

An impact mandate

Institutional mandate

Invest for impact & returns

There are no costs for impact investors to be included in the Impact Investors Database to guarantee an unbiased representation of the global impact investing universe.

Phenix Capital Group also offers a database of impact funds to institutional investors.

Would you like to be listed in the Impact Funds Database?

Apply here.


Actionable leads for you - Investor IQ 

Because of our unique position in the market, as the leading provider of impact investing data, networking events, and more, we were in the position of developing a new cutting-edge lead identification service.

Phenix IQ is a premium solution for fund managers fundraising for impact. Our market intelligence is then processed to provide actionable leads for impact funds.

Contact us to learn more about this new service

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Impact Database collaborations

We are happy to have collaborated on several reports being written and published by renowned organizations in the impact investing industry using data from our Impact Database. 

Impact Investor Guide 2023

Phenix Capital Group provided data and insight to the Impact Investor Guide 2023. It was distributed as a part of Het Financieele Dagblad. Edition of 24 November 2022. 

GIIN SIGHT 2022 - Sizing the impact investing market

Phenix Capital Group shared data with the GIIN for the development of the GIIN SIGHT 2022, titled "Sizing the impact investing market". This market sizing study served as an important indicator of the momentum driving impact investing around the world in 2022.

IPE Special Report - Investing for impact

Phenix Capital Group shared data with Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE) for a special report titled Investing for Impact, which explored data with a focus on impact hurdles.

IFC - Investing for Impact

Phenix Capital Group shared data with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for The Global Impact Investing Market 2020 titled Investing for Impact and launched in July 2021.


Impact Fund Assessment  

To support their impact proposition and fundraising efforts for their impact investments, subscribers of the Impact Investors Database often request on-demand Impact Fund Assessment Reports. Together, we will evaluate your impact fund and attest to how much it attends to benchmarks and standards. In close consultation with the fund manager, we assess the fund with a methodology consisting of 6 themes & 33 criteria. 

Learn more about the Impact Fund Assessment

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The Impact Investors Database in practice!

The Impact Investors Database is the perfect platform to reach your fundraising goals.

Find curated institutional investors actively investing in impact funds and discover the universe of impact investors. 

Book a demo