Environmental Finance - Phenix Capital Group sees growth in affordable housing impact funds
Phenix Capital Group has observed a significant increase in the number of impact funds being raised to invest in affordable housing in recent months...
Despite the difficulties created by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, figures collected by Phenix Capital Group suggest that 2020 was a year of robust growth for impact investors.
“2020 has been a transformative year on many levels, for the world as well as for the impact investing industry,” says Dirk Meuleman, CEO of Phenix Capital Group in an interview with NordSIP.
Phenix Capital Group has observed a significant increase in the number of impact funds being raised to invest in affordable housing in recent months...
The IFC - International Finance Corporation projects a significant growth for the impact investing market in the coming years. Phenix Capital Group...
“The good news is that climate action and climate investments have gained a lot of attention in recent years. Phenix Capital Group, authors of the ...