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PRESS RELEASE: €232 billion has already been committed to Resilient Economies

PRESS RELEASE: €232 billion has already been committed to Resilient Economies

Amsterdam, June 30, 2022: Phenix Capital Group has released its Impact Report on Resilient Economies, revealing that more than 1105 funds contribute to building resilient economies and €232 billion has been committed towards these funds since 2015. To compute data on funds targeting investments towards a more resilient economy, Phenix Capital Group has developed new data sets of outcome-based investable themes mapped against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Resilience is the ability of individuals, households, communities, cities, institutions, systems and societies to prevent, resist, absorb, adapt, respond and recover positively, efficiently and effectively when faced with a wide range of risks, while maintaining an acceptable level of functioning without compromising long-term prospects for sustainable development, peace and security, human rights and well-being for all (UN, 2015).


  • According to fundraising figures, since 2015, private equity, real assets and private debt impact funds were preferred by institutional funds allocators, raising on average EUR 45 billion + per asset class.

  • The amounts being currently fundraised by resilient economies funds are similar to real assets, private equity, and private debt impact funds: EUR 14 billion on average.

  • Most of the commitments from institutional investors were allocated towards access to healthcare services (Goal 3), financial inclusion (Goal 1) and affordable housing (Goal 11), which are sectors known to offer higher return targets in line with financial-first impact funds’ dual mandate. This trend is continuing, according to the target size of open funds.



Besides top-down data from the Phenix Impact Database, the report also features industry leaders’ interviews:

·       Nina Freudenberg, Director Impact Investments at Golding Capital Partners.

Golding Capital Partners is one of Europe’s leading independent asset managers for alternative investments, focusing on the asset classes infrastructure, private credit, private equity, secondaries and impact. With a team of more than 140 professionals at its offices in Munich, London, Luxembourg, New York, Tokyo and Zurich, Golding helps institutional investors to develop their investment strategy and manages about €12 billion in assets. Golding became a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI) in 2013 and has been a member of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) since 2021.

·       Sandeep Aneja, the Founder & Managing Partner of Kaizenvest.

Kaizenvest is an education-focused fund management firm headquartered in Singapore. It has established itself as the only education sector focused fund manager with private equity and private debt funds across South Asia, South East Asia and Sub Saharan Africa. When asked about upcoming trends in the Asian market this year, Aneja shared:

“We are also seeing EdTech companies that raised huge amounts of capital until recently looking at acquiring offline businesses to drive faster towards profitability and also towards offering blended learning offerings to their students. Additionally, we are already starting to see valuation multiples come down and a rush of capital towards quality.   Lastly, I can see much more consciousness towards ESG/impact investing in Asia. The movement is palpable, and I am excited”.

Read the full report and discover data from Phenix’s Impact Database – a database of impact investment funds across the globe.



About Phenix Capital Group

Phenix Capital Group is an impact investment consultant that enables institutional investors to make impact investments. Founded in 2012, the company has been dedicated to building a solid knowledge-based of the impact investing industry, educating asset owners, and catalysing institutional capital to impact investing.

Phenix Capital’s Impact Database provides investors with access to and intelligence on the impact fund market opportunities available to them. Three main variables are used to construct, monitor and update the dataset: 1) funds considered to have an impact proposition; 2) institutional scale, and 3) target market-rate returns. The Impact Database includes a detailed overview of more than 2,050+ impact funds.

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For more information or interview requests, please contact our team at info@phenixcapitalgroup.com or call + 31 20 240 27 31.

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