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PRESS RELEASE: 729 Net-Zero-aligned funds, of which 58% are open to investment

PRESS RELEASE: 729 Net-Zero-aligned funds, of which 58% are open to investment

Amsterdam, March 27, 2023: The Phenix Capital Group’s Impact Report of March 2023 discloses top-down data on Net-Zero-aligned impact funds which specifically collect and report to investors on net-zero-aligned metrics, such as GHG emissions reductions.

This report comes as a great tool for institutional investors interested in doing their part in this urgent cause, which was highlighted in the media this week because of the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The recent release of the IPCC made clear there is little chance of keeping the world from warming by 1.5°C or less by 2050, given it has already warmed by 1.1°C. Overshooting 1.5°C could happen during the 2030s, potentially triggering tipping points that cannot be uncrossed. The urgency of achieving net zero has never been greater.

So what can be done? Investments in clean energy, for example, must quadruple in the next 20 years. Around $3.5 trillion a year of capital investment will be needed on average between now and 2050 to build a net-zero global economy. This is up from $1 trillion per annum today, according to a new report from the Energy Transitions Commission.

Key Insights from Phenix Capital's Impact Report:

  • 729 Net-Zero-aligned funds, of which 58% are open to investment
  • 31% of the funds tracked by Phenix Capital have a Net-Zero focus
  • €289bn raised towards Net-Zero-aligned funds
  • 273 Europe-focused funds raised €79bn
  • €162bn raised by 228 global-focused funds
  • SDG 7: Affordable & Clean Energy has attracted €146bn
  • 73% of organisations have 'open' Net-Zero funds
  • 270 real asset funds with €102bn in assets

Experts’ opinions

To provide colour on the overview of net zero aligned impact funds, this report combines top-down net-zero data from Phenix Capital’s Impact Database with an exclusive interview with Jim Hourdequin, Chief Executive Officer at The Lyme Timber Company.

“Conserving biodiversity, improving water quality, and protecting land can also be co-benefits for carbon projects supported by corporate net zero initiatives, but they are critically important for our future”, reminds Jim.

Read the full report and discover data from Phenix Capital’s Impact Database, the database of impact investments and impact funds worldwide.


About Phenix Capital Group

Phenix Capital Group is an impact investment consultant that enables institutional investors to make impact investments. Founded in 2012, the company has been dedicated to building a solid knowledge base of the impact investing industry, educating asset owners, and catalysing institutional capital to impact investing.

About the Impact Database

Phenix Capital Group’s Impact Database provides investors with access to and intelligence on the impact fund market opportunities available to them. The Phenix Capital’s Impact Database has been tracking the allocation of capital to impact investing since 2015, and now includes new data sets of outcome-based investable themes mapped against the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Impact Database includes a detailed overview of more than 2,200 impact funds. Three main variables are used to construct, monitor and update the dataset: 1) funds considered to have an impact proposition; 2) institutional scale, and 3) target market-rate returns.

For more information or interview requests, please contact our team at info@phenixcapitalgroup.com or call + 31 20 240 27 31.

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